A Volunteer of Fear vs. a Volunteer of Hope

McCain/Palin Volunteer...
from the AP:
A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in what she had said was a politically inspired attack, police said Friday.
Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from College Station, Texas, admitted Friday that the story was false, said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division. Todd was charged with making a false report to police, and Bryant said police doubted her story from the start.
Todd initially told investigators she was attempting to use a bank branch ATM on Wednesday night when a 6-foot-4 black man approached her from behind, put a knife blade to her throat and demanded money.
The McCain Campaign initially tried to profit from this lie and this outright racial divisive stunt. Pathetic and disturbing. Palin has become a demagogue for the religious right and other limited factions. Demagogue:
a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.
Compare that to the grassroots campaign of Obama that has volunteers such as Charles who is motivated by hope...