Religion no excuse for promoting scientific ignorance - science-in-society - 08 February 2011 - New Scientist

Religion no excuse for promoting scientific ignorance - science-in-society - 08 February 2011 - New Scientist


Stephanie said…
I'm no astrophysicist, but i'm pretty sure I learned in my studies of science that I learned that "proof" and "fact" are dangerous words. Evidence does not equal absolute, unequivocal truth.

I'll never forget an example given by one of the most brilliant PhDs from whom I learned a great deal about scientific research. He asked our class, "Are all crows black?" In our naivetee, most of us answered, "Yes!" He proceeded to ask if we had managed to collect and document that every single crow in the world was indeed completely black. Of course we hadn't.

From my interest and study of the subject of evolution, which I admit is incomparable to the scientist who have devoted their lives to the search for an explanation of how all the world's creatures came to be, I believe that it is impossible to state that evolution is a "proven fact." From this belief, I also conclude that it is impossible to deny that other theories on the subject of evolution are wrong and products of "ignorance." Is it possible that the denial of the the possibilities of other explanations for existence of life on earth is, itself, born from ignorance? I think so.