Last One Left

When Primo Levi was in Auschwitz and suffering daily under Nazi brutality he felt less than human and could think of nothing but food and survival. He was losing his spirit and strength. One day there was an uprising on one side of the camp. Most of the uprising was put down and one man was brought before the camp to be hung before all as an example. This man chose to fight instead of hope for rescue or live for another day in the Nazi camp. The prisoners were brought before the man and his place of excecution. They all bowed their heads in silence and could hardly look on this man who seemed from another world.
This rebel stood before them and shouted out, "Comrades, I am the last one left!" This man exuded an energy of life force that shamed the others. He was telling them in their silence and bowed heads that when they hang him who will fill the void of the lions...only the sheep remain. Primo Levi commented that this man's words were surreal and strange to the camp. His force, his will and words had given them a moment of light and life in an ocean of death and darkness. The Nazi's proceeded to hang the man and his body wreathed and struggled till the end. When there was no more life there were still the words ringing in Primo Levi's ears, "Comrades, I am the last one left!"