Woody Allen terrified of the void

Woody Allen keeps the quotes coming at age 72...
"Movies are a great diversion because it's much more pleasant to be obsessed over how the hero gets out of his predicament than it is over how I get out of mine."
"I can't really come up with a good argument to choose life over death," he says. "Except that I'm too scared."
In real life, however, he believes there are no happy endings. "It's like the beginning of 'Stardust Memories.' The trains all go to the same place," he says. (And no, that place is not "jazz heaven," as a character in that film hopes.) "They all go to the dump."
"Your perception of time changes as you get older, because you see how brief everything is," he says. "You see how meaningless … I don't want to depress you, but it's a meaningless little flicker."