Out of Africa
Scientists have traced the path of human migrations through DNA and the human ancestry process started in East Africa. Africa is our common geographic origin.
"Almost all our DNA-99.9 percent of the three billion letters, or nucleotides, that make up the human genome-is the same from person to person."
-Scientific American

"There is no race. What we see from the standpoint of genetics is geographical gradients. There are no sharp differences between Europeans and Asians. From Ireland to Japan, there is no sharp boundary where something has changed completely."
"Almost all our DNA-99.9 percent of the three billion letters, or nucleotides, that make up the human genome-is the same from person to person."
-Scientific American

"There is no race. What we see from the standpoint of genetics is geographical gradients. There are no sharp differences between Europeans and Asians. From Ireland to Japan, there is no sharp boundary where something has changed completely."