Reality is fluid-beyond the boxes
There can a tendency to label something in order to negate its impact. It is easier to brush off or control what is perceived as solid instead of fluid. As Becker stated man cuts out for himself a manageable world because the real world is too overwhelming. With La Mettrie and "Voila mes philosophes" it is not necessarily a box of scientific materialism con pessimism. I think it is important to explore and contemplate natural history in all its malevolence and magnificence. Freud implied that a healthy mind often suppresses reality to some degree. How often do we sacrifice fluid reality in order to balance ourselves with a manageable world? Dualism is a false dichotomy. Beauty is the beast. Labels and language are tools humans use to simplify a complex reality.
Knowledge and imagination (Edison and Einstein) must work together to break the frozen sea within us. It is beyond the labeled box of scientific materialism it is embracing life with open eyes. Greater awareness. Raising consciousness. The human imagination and consciousness is not out of nature it is nature!

As Carl Sagan stated we are made of stardust. Stardust contemplating stardust. We are a part of this grand Cosmic evolution and Cosmic consciousness. Human consciousness is as natural as a dinosaur fossil. What that tells me is that Cosmic evolution is beyond our compartmentalization and the balanced boxes of suppression. Stardust contemplating stardust. Life contemplating death. Imagination and knowledge of Cosmic evolution flows from mortal limited decaying flesh! This is the nobility and the burden of human evolution.
William James
Knowledge and imagination (Edison and Einstein) must work together to break the frozen sea within us. It is beyond the labeled box of scientific materialism it is embracing life with open eyes. Greater awareness. Raising consciousness. The human imagination and consciousness is not out of nature it is nature!

As Carl Sagan stated we are made of stardust. Stardust contemplating stardust. We are a part of this grand Cosmic evolution and Cosmic consciousness. Human consciousness is as natural as a dinosaur fossil. What that tells me is that Cosmic evolution is beyond our compartmentalization and the balanced boxes of suppression. Stardust contemplating stardust. Life contemplating death. Imagination and knowledge of Cosmic evolution flows from mortal limited decaying flesh! This is the nobility and the burden of human evolution.
"There is no doubt that healthy-mindedness is inadequate as a philosophical doctrine, because the evil facts which it positively refuses to account for are a genuine portion of reality; and they may after all be the best key to life's significance, and possibly the only openers of our eyes to the deepest levels of truth."
William James
Thank you for this thoughtful and stimulating blog, by the way. I think you are really doing something wonderful.
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