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Monotheism and the Path to Power

Abu Musab al Zarqawi the founding father of ISIS called one of his first groups he started "Tawhid wal-Jihad" which means "Monotheism and Holy War". Certain words have carried a significant negative weight due to this heritage of monotheism, words like pagan, polytheist, infidel, heretic, apostate, kuffar, kafir, and the disbeliever. The Pagans in power of course did not help themselves with the initial persecution of Christians in Rome and Muslims in Mecca. The battle of ideas require that these words be transformed in a new positive light and that faith is not axiomatically thought as a virtue. Does the future belong to those who slander the skeptic? When it comes to religion especially monotheistic religion it will need to get used to criticism and diversity otherwise it becomes a dangerous power ideology that has no counter weight to balance its totalitarian hubris. It took Christianity centuries but now it has gotten used to criticism for the most part ...

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